April is Fabry Awareness Month!
April is Fabry Awareness Month and we’re thrilled to kick off our campaign ‘Fabry Heroes’ to shine a light on the everyday heroes battling Fabry disease.
This year, we shine a light on the support system of those living with Fabry. Those affected by Fabry are true superheroes, but they can’t do it all alone. Every superhero needs their sidekicks and they can be heroes too!
Join FIN in celebrating the #FabryHeroes and share the stories of why they play such a big role in our journey. Let’s spread awareness and show our appreciation together.
Show your support
The best way to express your solidarity during #FabryHeroesMonth is by engaging on social media.
Simply liking, sharing, and commenting on our posts about Fabry Heroes can make a big difference in spreading awareness and educating others.
We also encourage you to share your own messages of support. You can use the hashtag #FabryHeroes to join the larger conversation about Fabry Awareness Month and share your own stories of hope and resilience.